Making a list before you go to the office supply store is just as important as making a list before you go to the grocery store. The purpose? To make sure you get everything you need, and to make sure you don’t over-buy.
The isles are filled with impulse items, and colorful items to encourage you to buy things you don’t need. Resist this temptation.
When you go to the office supply store, simply check off the items as they are purchased. This will prevent having to make more trips than necessary, and will prevent you from buying things you already have on hand.
If you are overbuying items, you are not doing yourself any good. It costs you extra money, and if you don’t think through your purchases, the new green file folder holder can easily turn into desk clutter in the future.
Pre-plan your trip to the office supply store. Make a list; check it twice.
Have a terrific day!
Marsha Sims
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